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iHACK RLP - University Start-up Hackathon on Infrastructure

The iHack RLP University Start-up Hackathon on Infrastructure project, funded by the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Transport, Agriculture and Viticulture (MWVLW) with ERDF funds, will offer a special series of events over the next 2.5 years to raise awareness of start-ups, bringing together interested students from a wide range of disciplines at Rhineland-Palatinate universities who are keen to set up a business.

Each year, several challenges are defined for each Start-up Hackathon by Rhineland-Palatinate companies in coordination with the Ludwigshafen University of Business and Society. The aim of the start-up hackathon is to develop solutions for real problems ("challenges") within a tight timeframe of two to three days in cross-functional teams with creative and innovative products or processes. The student teams act as a kind of corporate or in-house start-up for the companies, providing them with impetus and innovative business ideas for future operational problems. For the series of events, the focus is primarily on the areas of energy, environment and mobility as well as the digital and information technology infrastructure as an all-encompassing bracket, which takes up the innovation strategy of the state of Rhineland-Palatinate and contributes to the economic dynamization and future viability of the state. Professors and representatives of the start-up offices of the participating universities as well as members of the companies and cooperating associations support the teams as mentors. The solutions developed are presented in the form of pitches and awarded prizes by a jury made up of representatives from companies, associations and universities as well as the MWVLW.

In addition, the ideas developed will be further developed with the support of the local university start-up offices and interested companies and may lead to start-ups.
This special type of event will be coordinated by two employees of the Ludwigshafen University of Business and Society. Further information can be found at www.ihack-rlp.de.