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Prof. Dr. Marcus Sidki

Publication projects in progress

Consumers' Willingness to Pay for Sustainable Products - Results of a Discrete Choice Experiment, with Nicklisch, A. (FH Graubünden) and Ivanov, I. (HWG Ludwigshafen).

Institutional Trust in Public Enterprises, with Krause, T. (Frankfurt UAS) and Ivanonv, I. (HWG Ludwigshafen), submitted in: Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory.

 Scientific journal and conference contributions with peer review


Müller, H. & Sidki, M. (2024): The Political Economy of Earnings Management in Municipal Public Enterprises, in: Journal of Public Budgeting, Accounting & Financial Management, Vol. 36 No. 3, pp. 363-387.


Krause, T., Polzer, T. & Sidki, M. (2023): Mind the Board! Board Efficacy, Managerial Role Dilemmas and Performance in Municipally Owned Corporations, in: International Review of Administrative Sciences, DOI: 10.1177/00208523231219983.


Sidki, M., Boerger, L. & Boll, D. (2023): The effect of board members' education and experience on the financial performance of German state-owned enterprises, in: Journal of Management and Governance, DOI: 10.1007/s10997-022-09663-4.


Boll, D., Müller, H. & Sidki, M. (2022): Determining the drivers of earnings management among municipal enterprises: Evidence from Germany, in: Public Money & Management, DOI: 10.1080/09540962.2022.2076515.


Boll, D. & Sidki, M. (2021): The Influence of Political Fragmentation on Public Enterprises: Evidence from German Municipalities, in: European Journal of Political Economy, Vol. 67, Article 101972.


Boll, D., Müller, H. & Sidki, M. (2020): Accounting policy in municipal companies, in: Journal for Public and Nonprofit Services, Vol. 42, No. 4, pp. 479-505.


Sidki, M., Boll, D. & Müller, H. (2020): Do Public Enterprises Manage Earnings? Evidence from Germany, in: Proceedings of the 24th International Conference Current Trends in Public Sector Research, pp. 106-114.


Sidki, M. & Boll, D. (2019): What Do Citizens Think About Public Enterprises? Subjective Survey Data on the Legitimacy of the Economic Activities of the German Public Sector, in: Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics, Vol. 9, No. 4, pp. 615-639.


Sidki, M. & Boll, D. (2019): Perceptions and Opinions of Non-Economics Majors Regarding Economics - Evidence from German Survey Data, in: Economic Issues, Vol. 24, No. 2, pp. 37-56, also on SSRN's 2019 Top Ten download list for Microeconometric Studies of Education Markets.


Sidki, M. & Boll, D. (2018): What Drives Non-Economics Majors to Study Economics?, in: Proceedings of the2nd International Scientific Conference "Teaching Methods for Economics and Business Sciences", p. 215-225.


Boll, D. & Sidki, M. (2017): The political economy of German rural districts: Determinants of indebtedness, in: Journal of Economic Policy, Vol. 33, No. 3, pp. 266-293.


Sidki, M. (2017): Economic foundations of asset-backed securities - added value and risks from an institutional economics perspective, in: ZBB Journal of Banking Law and Banking Economics, Vol. 29, No. 4,
pp. 221-236.

Scientific contributions without peer review


Kraus, T., Ivanov, I., & Sidki, M. (2023): Blame or Gain? Is Institutional Trust impacted by the Perception of Political Influence in State-owned Enterprises?, Working Paper Reihe des Fachbereichs 3: Wirtschaft und Recht der Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences, No. 30.


Teubler, J., Sidki, M., Kausemann, T., & Fischedick, M. (2022): Development banks in transition - Evolution towards sustainable transformation banks, Wuppertal Institute Future Impulse No. 25.


Sidki, M. & Ivanov, I. (2021): An Institutional Framework of Urban Mobility: Policy Options and the Role of the Government, in: Henke, M., Kohl, H. (eds.): Sustainable Global Supply Chains: A Guide to Digitalization and Best Practice, London: Kogan Page, pp. 260-277.


Sidki, M. (2014): Securitization with Implicit Recourse - Some Thoughts on the Economic Rationalein: The Journal of Structured Finance, Vol. 19, No. 4, pp. 35-44.


Sidki, M. (2014): Municipal loans and municipal debt - an analysis of the market, products and future developments, in: Gerhards, R., Goldbach A. (eds.): Entscheidungsorientierte Verwaltungssteuerung, Dresden: Saxonia, pp. 327-348.


Sidki, M. (2014): Zukünftige Steuerung der Finanzierung von Gesundheitsleistungen, in: Maier, B. (ed.): update Controlling: Controllingmodelle und -konzepte in der Gesundheitswirtschaft, Stuttgart: Kohlhammer, pp. 235-245.


Sidki, M. & Maier, B. (2012): Investitionsfinanzierung im Krankenhaus, in: Doelffs, P. et al. (eds.): Management Handbuch DRGplus, Heidelberg: medhochzwei, C3111, pp. 1-27.


Sidki, M. (2011): Effects of current developments on municipal debt, in: Wirtschaftsdienst, Vol. 91, No. 10, pp. 679-685.


Sidki, M. (2010): Cross-Border-Leasing vor dem Hintergrund der Finanzkrise, in: Höche, Rüdiger, Liebich, Reiner, Schwab, Siegfried (eds.): Technik und Rechtsentwicklung II - Mannheimer Schriften zur Verwaltungs- und Versorgungswirtschaft, Vol. 19, pp. 53-68.



Sidki, M. (2014): Grundlagen kommunaler Finanzierung und Verschuldung, Springer essentials, Wiesbaden: Springer Gabler.


Sidki, M. (2013): Asset-backed securities: an agency-theoretical classification and analysis for application in the municipal sector, Wiesbaden: Springer Gabler.


Sidki, M. (2007): The securitization of financial assets - asset securitization and other methods for the transfer of banking risks, Saarbrücken: AV Akademiker Verlag.




Articles in professional journals


Sidki, M. (2022): Public companies are gaining in importancein: KOMMUNAL, issue 10/2022, p. 48-50.


Maier, B., Sidki, M. (2022): Mandatory sustainability reporting - opportunity and challenge for hospitals, in: das krankenhaus, Vol. 03-2022, pp. 186-187.


Sidki, M. (2021): Managing clinics sustainably, in f&w, Vol. 38, No. 11, p. 1016.


Sidki, M., Maier, B., & Schultheiß, P. (2021): Sustainability as a strategic focus of credit institutions, in: die bank - Zeitschrift für Bankpolitik und Praxis, Vol. 06/21, pp. 16-20.


Kern, M. & Sidki, M. (2019): Success factors for sustainable management in the cooperative banking sector, in: BankInformation, pp. 52-55.


Maier, B., & Sidki, M. (2018): Hardly any credit for digitalization, in: f&w, Vol. 35, No. 1, pp. 40-42.


Schlenker J., Maier, B., Sidki, M. & Richter J. (2016): No strategy, no success?, in: KU Health Management, Vol. 03/2016, pp. 64-67.


Sidki, M. & Lauscher, D. (2015): With structure and business plan to investments. Controlling and possible applications of project financing, in: KU Healthcare Management, Vol. 05/2015, pp. 67-69.


Sidki, M. (2015): An advantageous financial instrument Part 1 - Basic features of project financing, in: KU Special Controlling 2015, pp. 8-10.


Maier, B. & Sidki, M. (2015): Hospitals and banks - success factors for cooperation, in KU Gesundheitsmanagement, Vol. 02/2015, pp. 17-19.


Maier, B. & Sidki, M. (2012): Fundraising for hospitals - an overview of alternative methods, in: KU Gesundheitsmanagement, Vol. 11/2012, pp. 59-62.


Sidki, M. (2010): Structure and risks of municipal cross-border leasing structures taking into account current developmentsin: DVP - Deutsche Verwaltungspraxis, Vol. 10/2010, pp. 401-406.

Studies / Other publications


Bordt, M., Maier, B., & Sidki, M. (2023). Guideline: Preparation of a DNK declaration for healthcare facilities, sector guide for the German Sustainability Code at the German Council for Sustainable Development.


Sidki, M., Bordt, M., Frischmuth, C. & Balhorn, N. (2023): Trendmonitor Öffentlicher Beschaffung und Vergabe 2023, study commissioned by Hays AG.


Sidki, M. (2022): Public companies in Germany, study for the Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom.


Maier, B. & Sidki, M. (2017): Banken und Krankenhäuser Jg. 2/2017: Strategie und Digitalisierung in Krankenhäusern - Rolle der Banken?, Studienschrift.


Richter, J., Schlenker J., Maier, B. & Sidki, M. (2017): Hospital study 2017: More successful in a network?, Study paper.


Richter, J., Maier, B. & Sidki, M. (2017): Complex carrier study 2017: failing strategies in the organization? Study publication.


Maier, B. & Sidki, M. (2016): Banks and hospitals vol. 1/2016: Missed opportunities due to lack of information!!!, Studienschrift.


Richter, J., Schlenker J., Maier, B. & Sidki, M. (2015): Hospital study 2015: Strategic market positioning of hospitals - no strategy, no success?, Studienschrift.


Richter, J., Maier, B. & Sidki, M. (2015): Komplexträgerstudie 2015: How much strategy does complexity need?, study paper.


Sidki, M. & Bohn, A. (2006): Management of liquidity risks and refinancing management, lesson of the written management course "Treasury Management in Banken und Sparkassen".

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